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Smart Grid Seminar

Friday, December 4, 2015
11:30am to 1:00pm
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Annenberg 213
Smart Grid Mini Workshop: Three 30-Minute Talks
Angela Zhang, Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Jianwei Huang, Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Omar Asensio, Postdoctoral Scholar, The UCLA Center for Corporate Environmental Performance,
This Mini-Workshop will consist of three 30-minute talks:

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Angela Zhang

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Battery Energy Storage Systems for Primary Frequency Control

In this talk, I will introduce a two-level profit-maximizing strategy, including planning and control, for battery energy storage system (BESS) owners that participate in the primary frequency control (PFC) market. Specifically, the optimal BESS control minimizes the operating cost by keeping the state of charge (SoC) in an optimal range. Through rigorous analysis, we prove that the optimal BESS control is a "time-invariant" strategy in the sense that the optimal SoC range does not vary with the state of the system. As such, the optimal control strategy can be computed offline once and for all with very low complexity. Regarding the BESS planning, we prove that the the minimum operating cost is a decreasing convex function of the BESS energy capacity. This leads to the optimal BESS sizing that strikes a balance between the capital investment and operating cost. Our work here provides a useful theoretical framework for understanding the planning and control strategies that maximize the economic benefits of BESSs in ancillary service markets.

Angela Yingjun Zhang received the B.Eng. degree in electronic engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic en- gineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, in 2004. Since 2005, she has been with the Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she is currently an Associate Professor. Her current research interests are mainly focused on wireless communications systems and smart power systems, in particular optimization techniques for such systems.

She is an Executive Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. She is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications. Previously, she served many years as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and Journal on Security and Communications Networks (Wiley). She was a Guest Editor of a Feature Topic in IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE. She has served as a Workshop Chair of IEEE ICCC 2014 and 2013, TPC Vice Chair of Wireless Networks and Security Track of IEEE VTC 2014, TPC Vice-Chair of Wireless Communica- tions Track of IEEE CCNC 2013, TPC Co-Chair of Wireless Communications Symposium of IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, Publication Chair of IEEE TTM 2011, TPC Co-Chair of Communication Theory Symposium of IEEE ICC 2009, Track Chair of ICCCN 2007, and Publicity Chair of IEEE MASS 2007. She was a CoChair of IEEE ComSoc Multimedia Communications Technical Committee and the IEEE Communication Society GOLD Coordinator.
Dr. Zhang is a co-recipient of 2014 IEEE ComSoc APB Outstanding Paper Award, 2013 IEEE SmartgridComm Best Paper Award, and 2011 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award on Wireless Communications. She received the Young Researcher Award from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011. As the only winner from Engineering Science, she has won the Hong Kong Young Scientist Award 2006, conferred by the Hong Kong Institution of Science. 

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Jianwei Huang
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Joint Investment and Operation of Microgrid with Renewable Energy Integration

This talk will focus on the issue of joint optimization of investment and operation of a microgrid, taking the impacts of energy storage, renewable energy integration, and demand response into consideration. We first study the renewable energy generations in Hong kong, and identify the potential benefit of mixed deployment of solar and wind energy generations. Then we model the joint investment and operation as a two-period stochastic programming program. We design a decentralized algorithm for computing the optimal pricing and power consumption at the operational level, based on which we solve the optimal investment problem at the investment level. We also study the impact of prediction error of renewable energy generation on the portfolio investment using the robust optimization framework. Using realistic meteorological data obtained from the Hong Kong observatory, we numerically characterize the optimal portfolio investment decisions, optimal day-ahead pricing and power scheduling, and demonstrate the advantage of using mixed renewable energy and demand response in terms of reducing investment cost.

Jianwei Huang is an Associate Professor and Director of the Network Communications and Economics Lab (, in the Department of Information Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received the Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University in 2005, and worked as a Postdoc Research Associate in Princeton during 2005-2007. He is the co-recipient of 8 international Best Paper Awards, including IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications in 2011. He has co-authored four books: "Wireless Network Pricing," "Monotonic Optimization in Communication and Networking Systems,"  "Cognitive Mobile Virtual Network Operator Games," and "Social Cognitive Radio Networks". He has served as an Editor of several top IEEE Communications journals, including JSAC, TWC, and TCCN, and a TPC Chair of many international conferences. He is the Vice Chair of IEEE ComSoc Cognitive Network Technical Committee and the Past Chair of IEEE ComSoc Multimedia Communications Technical Committee. He is a Fellow of IEEE (Class of 2016) and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Communications Society.

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Omar Asensio
Postdoctoral Scholar
UCLA Center for Corporate Environmental Performance

Human Behavior and Intelligent Energy Metering Systems: Experimental Approaches

In electricity markets, individuals and firms may not always make optimal consumption or investment decisions due to limited information about prices or quantities. In this talk, I will focus on the use of information strategies as behavioral "nudges" to drive conservation behavior. I will discuss evidence from field experiments and quasi-experimental techniques to understand decision-making in residential and commercial buildings. Emphasis will be placed on the framing of incentives, smart metering, and non-price motivations for conservation behavior.

Omar I. Asensio is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the UCLA Center for Corporate Environmental Performance. He works at the intersection of engineering systems and computational social science. His most recent research in energy conservation was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and received mentions in 143 media outlets in 42 countries, including Scientific American, Los Angeles Times, Yahoo! News, NBC News, CBS Radio, The Economic Times and NPR. He is winner of the 2015 Research Impact on Practice Award (RIPA) sponsored by the Network for Business Sustainability and the Academy of Management, Organizations and the Natural Environment Division. He holds a doctorate in environmental science and engineering from UCLA and is a former National Science Foundation IGERT fellow with a topic in Clean Energy for Green Industry. 


For more information, please contact Sydney Garstang by email at