Resource Centers
The Resnick Sustainability Center (RSC)
The Resnick Sustainability Center building will serve as a hub for sustainability research and interdisciplinary collaboration. In addition to hosting undergraduate state-of-the-art teaching laboratories, interactive-learning classrooms, and meeting spaces, the building will house several resource centers – unique facilities available for campus researchers across all academic divisions. These facilities include the Resnick Solar Science and Catalysis Center (SSCC), the Resnick Remote Sensing Center (RSC), the Resnick Ecology and Biosphere Engineering Facility (EBEF), and the Resnick Translational Science and Engineering Facility (TSEF). Additional facilities, not housed in the RSC, include the Resnick Water and Environment Lab (WEL) and the Resnick High Performance Computing Center (HPCC).
The Resnick Sustainability Center is the primary location for the Resnick Sustainability Institute workshops, conferences, and meetings. The building's second floor houses undergraduate chemistry laboratories and active learning classrooms. Learn more about how to reserve conference rooms and learning spaces.
If you are interested in learning more about how to do research in the Resnick Sustainability Center, please contact Facility and Center Directors or The procedure for requesting access to the space for prolonged use of equipment or laboratories (.e.g., multiple weeks) is outlined here.
The Resnick Ecology and Biosphere Engineering Facility (EBEF)

The Resnick Ecology and Biosphere Engineering Facility (EBEF) supports the isolation, cultivation, genetic manipulation, and general study of diverse microorganisms. We work closely with collaborators to provide resources and training for sustainability research, as well as other projects which require microbiological and/or single-cell methods. Learn more.
The Resnick High Performance Computing Center (HPCC)

The Rensick High Performance Computing Center (HPCC) supports Caltech's scientists performing sponsored research. Learn More.
The Resnick Remote Sensing Center (RSC)
The Resnick Remote Sensing Center (RSC) will be Caltech's first dedicated campus space in which faculty and students can develop satellites of different sizes to measure or monitor various aspects of Earth, such as soil moisture, sea levels, and methane emissions, and also will develop data-reduction pipelines and visualization and image-processing tools to better analyze and understand environmental and climate data.
The Resnick Solar Science and Catalysis Center (SSCC)
The Rensick Solar Science and Catalysis Center (SSCC) will support capabilities for laboratory and outdoor characterization of renewable energy generation components and systems, and develop unique resources for microscopic materials characterization and for battery assembly and testing. It will also utilize a solar rooftop, where photovoltaic devices can be tested under real-world conditions.
The Resnick Translational Science and Engineering Facility (TSEF)
The Resnick Translational Science and Engineering Facility (TSEF) will provide space to researchers for advancing early-stage sustainability technologies towards proof-of-concept demonstrations that may lead to further development as commercial products or for adoption by government or other entities to further sustainability objectives. Learn more.
The Resnick Water and Environment Lab (WEL)

The Resnick Water and Environment Lab (WEL) supports Caltech research with a diverse array of state-of-the-art instrumentation for chemical analysis. We collaborate with researchers across campus, providing flexible support based on the unique needs of each project. With our team's guidance, many scientists learn to operate the instrumentation and perform their own analyses. Learn More.