RSI Rhizosphere Workshops
RSI Rhizosphere Workshops
RSI's Rhizosphere workshops aim to identify scientific and technological gaps that currently impede both our understanding of the rhizosphere, and our ability to develop new tools to maintain and enhance biosphere function. These insights and knowledge will be particularly valuable in the context of climate change and its effects on soils, including the retention of water, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus.
Past Workshops:
RSI Mini-Workshop on Imaging the Rhizosphere
October 15th & 21st, 2020

As a follow-up to Caltech's Rhizosphere Workshop (Sept. 14-16), this mini-Workshop focused on state-of-the-art methods used to image the rhizosphere. Workshop goals included helping attendees get up-to-speed on the latest technologies used for this purpose, and identifying opportunities for innovations in rhizosphere imaging that would help answer questions about rhizosphere dynamics important for sustainability (e.g., soil C-balance, water and nutrient retention).
Day 1: Thursday, October 15, 2020
9 to 11 AM (PT)
9:00 AM | Introduction by Professor Changhuei Yang, Caltech
9:10 AM | Talk 1: Christopher Topp, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
9:40 AM | Talk 2: Peter Kim, Sandia National Laboratories
10:10AM | Talk 3: Ryan Tappero, Brookhaven National Laboratory
10:40 AM | Discussion
Day 2: Wednesday, October 21 2020
12:00 to 1:00 PM (PT)
12:00 PM | Talk 1: Hassina Bilheux, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
12:30 PM | Talk 2: Patrick El-Khoury, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
RSI Rhizosphere Workshop
September 14-16, 2020

This international virtual event featured 11 outstanding speakers, spanning global to molecular scales and 6 different time zones! Speakers presented 20-minute high-level talks, aimed at a general audience to introduce key problems of the field, followed by daily panel discussions addressing big-picture questions.
View Flyer | View Schedule
8:00 AM (PT) | Welcome
8:15 AM | Talk 1: Colin Averill, ETH Zurich
8:45 AM | Talk 2: Noah Fierer, University of Colorado, Boulder
15 Minute Break
9:30 AM | Talk 3: Lisa Ainsworth, USDA, ARS
10:00 AM | Talk 4: Wendy Yang, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
30 Minute Break
11:00 AM | Panel Discussion
8:00 AM (PT) | Welcome
8:15 AM | Talk 5: Dani Or, ETH Zurich
8:45 AM | Talk 6: Scott Fendorf, Stanford University
15 Minute Break
9:30 AM | Talk 7: Mary Firestone, University of California, Berkeley
10:00 AM | Talk 8: Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
30 Minute Break
11:00 AM | Panel Discussion
8:00 AM (PT) | Welcome
8:15 AM | Talk 9: Toby Kiers, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
8:45 AM | Talk 10: Giles Oldroyd, Sainsbury Lab, University of Cambridge
15 Minute Break
9:30 AM | Talk 11: Chris Voigt, MIT
15 Minute Break
10:15 AM | Panel Discussion
11:30 AM | Wrap Up
Event Q&A Moderator: Darcy McRose, PhD - Newman Group, Caltech