Resnick Sustainability Center (RSC) Room Reservations

The Resnick Sustainability Center is the primary location for the Resnick Sustainability Institute workshops, conferences, and meetings. The building's second floor houses undergraduate chemistry laboratories and active learning classrooms.
Small Conference Rooms
The Resnick Sustainability Center has several conference rooms:
RSC B111 – seats 6
RSC 201 – seats 8
RSC 345 – seats 6
We grant priority to RSI meetings and educational sections/tutorials directly associated with the laboratory instruction scheduled in RSC.
To reserve the space please contact RSI administrator, Mona Eadington.
Although it would be an unusual circumstance, users should know that their reservations may be cancelled if a conflict arises with the needs of a priority user. We will make every effort to notify you of any conflicts or changes in a timely manner.
There is no reservation charge. The charges for use of the conference rooms will be for custodial time required for clean up after the scheduled meeting. The PTA or Project/Task provided will be charged the standard hourly custodial rates, if any food is served during the meeting, excessive trash is generated, or the space requires additional cleaning.
General guidelines for the conference room users:
- We advise that you make an appointment with RSI staff to make sure that AV equipment works with your devices prior to your meeting. Please make sure to turn off all equipment (e.g., projectors, TV screens) after the meetings.
- Remove all food after the meeting. Do not use existing surfaces for catering – please include a catering table in your order or notify RSI staff in advance and the table(s) will be provided for you.
- Remove all meeting materials and erase notes on boards. Storage is not available, and leftover items will be disposed of.
Large Conference Rooms and Workshop Spaces
The Resnick Center has a large conference room and Workshop spaces:
Large Conference Room RSC 120 – occupancy 32 (classroom seating arrangement with 4 rows) or maximum 60
Workshop Room RSC 110 – occupancy 32 (classroom seating arrangement with 4 rows) or maximum 60
Interactive Learning/Workshop/Meeting space (lobby) – maximum occupancy 50 (no tables or chairs provided)
The RSC 120 and 110 rooms are equipped with projector screens, projectors, and conferencing AV.
We grant priority to:
- Resnick Sustainability Institute workshops, conferences, and meetings
- President's office meetings, e.g., Board of Trustees meetings
When the space is not used by Priority Users, we accept applications from:
- Faculty Boards and Steering Committees
- Institute Administrative Council
- Faculty committees
- Divisional Faculty meetings
- Other Institute's workshops, conferences, and science meetings
To reserve the space applications should be submitted at least 2 months in advance. The application form can be found here. For any inquiries about reservations, please contact RSI administrator, Mona Eadington.
Although it would be an unusual circumstance, users should know that their reservations may be cancelled if a conflict arises with the needs of a priority user. We will make every effort to notify you of any conflicts or changes in a timely manner.
Reservation cancellations are required via email no later than seven days prior to the date and time of the reservation.
There is no reservation charge. The charges for use of the facility will be for custodial time required for clean up after the scheduled meeting. The PTA or Project/Task provided on the reservation form will be charged the standard hourly custodial rates. This is a required service for all users after each use.
General guidelines for the conference room users:
- We advise that you make an appointment with RSI staff to make sure that AV equipment works with your devices prior to your meeting. Please make sure to turn off all equipment (e.g., projectors, TV screens) after the meetings.
- Food/drink is not allowed the conference/workshop spaces, but you may set up outside in the lobby. Do not use existing surfaces for catering – please include a catering table in your order or notify RSI staff in advance and the table(s) will be provided for you. If your meeting requires the use of the kitchenette, please notify RSI staff in advance to get access to the space.
- Remove all meeting materials and erase notes on boards. Storage is not available in the meeting spaces, and leftover items will be disposed of.
Active Learning Classrooms
The RSC will feature two active learning classrooms on the second floor. These teaching spaces are designed for courses that emphasize (or seek to develop) a combination of lecture and active learning. We will prioritize these types of courses over traditional lecture courses when demand exceeds availability.
- Each classroom has 8 tables that seat 6 students. The tables have power and data receptacles.
- There will be two projectors and two screens in each room, and each room will have writable surfaces.
- Each room will have an AV station for the instructor.
- There is limited storage space, if any courses should require it. If so, we will of course expect everything related to the course to be cleared out after the class term ends.
- Instructors will be expected to move any furniture, and the movable wall, back to the default configuration for following classes, unless of course the following classes prefer the custom set-up.
To inquire about reserving active learning classrooms, please contact RSI administrator, Mona Eadington.
Office spaces
Visitor office spaces (single and multiple occupancy offices) can be assigned to RSI center/facility visitors performing work on projects on campus related to RSI's sustainability mission, with priority being given to researchers doing work affiliated with the facilities and centers within the RSC where proximity to the labs is a benefit. Visitor spaces can be assigned for up to 2 years, with a possibility of renewal upon request. Due to limited capacity, we will prioritize assigning space to researchers/visitors who do not have permanent office space on the Caltech campus (e.g., JPL or Carnegie visitors). Visitors will be asked to vacate the assigned space at the completion of their projects.
To inquire about reserving offices, please contact RSI administrator, Mona Eadington.