Smart Grid

October 12-13, 2011
So. Cal Smart Grid Research Symposium & Workshop on Managing Uncertainty
The Smart Grid Symposium was a collaborative event for students, professors, and professionals to learn about and discuss the technical, economic, and policy challenges of integrating renewable resources into the grid. The event was preceded by an invitation only workshop, that brought together a group of experts for a facilitated discussion on the question: "How do we manage the uncertainty of intermittent renewable energy as its penetration continues to increase?" The workshop addressed the technical, economic, and policy challenges in uncertainty management. Workshop participants were experts in the operation of the grid and electricity market, in the development and deployment of smart grid technologies, as well as in control, optimization, and economics theories.

Workshop Report
The report is a white paper summarizing the discussion and providing a roadmap for R&D efforts to mitigate the intermittency and uncertainty of renewable generation. The goal of the workshop was to clarify and prioritize the challenges in large-scale renewable integration, and articulate the technical, economic, and policy innovations that must be developed to overcome them.
Workshop Session 1: Transmission, Distribution, and Control Strategies
This session explored the challenges in transmission and distribution networks, and integrated real-time control necessary to integrate a large number of distributed energy resources. Topics included generator and frequency control as more spinning generators are replaced by inverter-tied generators; distributed Volt/VAR control in distribution networks with high penetration of distributed generation; and the systematic design and incentive alignment for transmission expansion.
Workshop Session 2: Cyberphysical, DER, Markets
This session discussed the integration of information and computing technologies (ICT) with power network, the advances in distributed energy resources, such as demand response, storage, and power electronics, and new markets and services to mitigate the uncertainty of renewable generation. Topics included high-capacity ICT infrastructure to support monitoring, diagnosis, and control of power systems; application platform that is scalable, data centric, and secure; how to design DR that is cost-effectively and reliably dispatchable; the need for large-scale inexpensive storage; and new mechanisms to charge both supply and demand the marginal cost of their uncertainty.
Workshop Session 3: Architecture and Policy
This session addressed architectural and policy issues, including distributed vs centralized architecture; evolvability and robustness of future smart grid; how to allocate value in a way that incentivizes innovation and investment; how to encourage experimentation; and business models and regulations to facilitate renewable integration.
Workshop Concluding Panel
This session addressed what needs to change in electricity markets and business models to support the inclusion of more intermittent and random sources, including incentives for demand response and the value of unreliable power.
Suggested Reading List
This is a partial list of readings suggested by workshop participants.
- Ofgem report on charging for transmision
- Lecture notes on ancillary services
- Vehicle-to-Grid Demonstration Project: Grid Regulation Ancillary Service with a Battery Electric Vehicle
- Demand Dispatch - Using Real TIme Control of Demand to Help Balance Generation and Load - IEEE Power and Energy Magazine
- Research Evaluation of Wind Generation, Solar Generation, and Storage Impact on the California Grid CEC PIER Final Report CEC-500-2010-010
- Select Publications on Smart Grid
- More Smart Grid Publications
- Gridonomics: An Introduction to the Factors Shaping Electric Industry Transformation
- Supplying Baseload Power and Reducing Transmission Requirements by Interconnecting Wind Farms
October 13, 2011
The Smart Grid Research Symposium
A collaborative event for students, professors, and professionals to learn about and discuss the technical, economic, and policy challenges of integrating renewable resources into the grid.
- Risk-Limiting Dispatch for Integrating Renewable Power
- Pravin Varaiya (Berkeley)
- Download the Paper
Speaker Presentations
The Evolution of Control for the Smart Transmission Grid
Competitive Electricity Markets with Consumer Subscription in a Smart Grid World
On-Line Available Transfer Capability of Large-Scale Power Grids with Renewables: Determination and Enhancements
Engineering IT-Enabled Electricity Services
Optimal Demand Response
Coordinated Aggregation of Distributed Demand-Side Resources
Impact of Increased Penetration of Wind and Solar Resources on the Bulk Power System
Panel Discussion
- Dario Gil (IBM): Presentation
- Jeff Gooding (SCE)
- Sean Meyn (UIUC): Presentation
- Tariq Samad (Honeywell)