Opportunities for Caltech PIs
RSI Explorer Grant Proposals
RSI's Explorer Grants are open to lead PIs who have their primary affiliation with one of Caltech's academic divisions and the ability to conduct research on campus. The program prioritizes funding proposals addressing significant challenges and opportunities associated with climate change and the stewardship of natural resources.
The Spring 2025 submission period is now open. The application deadline in April 16, 2025. Click here for more information and submission guidelines.
RSI Impact Grant Proposals
RSI invites the development of Impact Grant proposals from Caltech's professorial faculty, that leverage Caltech's unique strengths in fundamental science and engineering towards delivering real world solutions to environmental challenges. We plan to accept concept papers for Impact Grant proposals twice a year. Interested PIs should use their Access.Caltech credentials to review the application process and submission guidelines on the Impact Grant Proposal Submission Page.
The short concept paper (3 pages max, 11 pt, 1-inch margins) should include a title, PI name(s), a one sentence project summary, the project description, and an approximate budget. The project description should include a summary of the proposal goals and outcomes, a brief explanation of why RSI funding is needed beyond traditional funding sources or PI's existing funding, and a description of the project's potential impact in sustainability – please be as quantitative as possible.
The 2025 call for concept papers is now open. Please click here for more information.