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Smart Grid Seminar

Wednesday, May 14, 2014
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Annenberg 213
Power Grid of the Future
Sonja Glavaski, Program Director, Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E),

U.S. electricity generation, transmissions, and distribution infrastructure is undergoing upgrades to keep up with increasing electricity demands. Novel sensors and "smart" devices being introduced will overwhelm utilities and grid operators with vastly greater amounts of data. Operation of the power grid will become more complex, making human control increasingly ineffective.

ARPA-E is interested in disruptive technologies that enable increased integration of renewables by real-time adaptation while maintaining and possibly increasing grid reliability and reducing cost for customers with smart technologies. This talk will discuss possible paths forward for the development of technology for real-time monitoring and control of power events enabling seamless integration of distributed generation, and storage assets into consumer driven, self-regulating, and reliable Power Grid of the Future.

For more information, please contact Sydney Garstang by email at

Event Series
Smart Grid Seminar