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Water Resilience and Sustainability Symposium

Monday, September 21, 2015
8:40am to 12:00pm
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Join us for our Water Resilience and Sustainability Symposium:  

State of the Art and Future Technologies for the Optimized Urban Water System

Talks / Speakers

  • The Present and Future of California Water - Felicia Marcus: Chairperson, California State Water Resources Control Board
  • Satellite Observations of the Epic California Drought - Jay Famiglietti: Senior Water Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Professor, UC Irvine
  • Integrated Water Management - Innovation Opportunities - Leslie Shoemaker: Executive Vice President, Water, Environment & Infrastructure, Tetra Tech
  • Can Urban Water Systems Transition Away from Imported Water? - David Sedlak: Malozemoff Professor, UC Berkeley and co-director, Berkeley Water Center
This symposium event is free and open to the public. No RSVP required and seating is on a first come basis. Invited participants will have reserved seating in the front of the auditorium. All other symposium related events are by invitation only.
Tune in for the LIVE WEBCAST at


For more information, please contact Heidi Rusina by phone at 626-395-5956 or by email at or visit Water Resilience and Sustainability Workshop Keynote Session Talks.