Parker, H. A., Hasheminassab, S., Crounse, J. D., Roehl, C. M., & Wennberg, P. O. (2020). Impacts of traffic reductions associated with COVID‐19 on Southern California air quality. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL090164.
Significance and Impact
Pollutant concentrations and patterns emphasize the influence of weather on air quality and suggest mitigation beyond vehicle emission reductions will be needed to meet future goals.

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COVID‐19 restrictions altered air pollutant concentrations in LA. Unusual weather, however, also contributed significantly to the clean air observed at the beginning of the lockdown. Rainfall in the basin in Spring 2020 was well above that of the past decade, with precipitation in March and April over 3-5 times the historical average values. Rainfall affects air quality by removing pollutants such as nitric acid and PM2.5. Additionally, rainy periods are associated with higher ventilation rates that decrease pollution buildup. Images reprinted with permission from the authors.
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