Austin Chadwick
Alumni Resnick Graduate Research Fellow
Austin graduated from Caltech with a PhD in geology. He earned his bachelor's degree in geophysics at UCLA, where he conducted research in geophysical fluid dynamics and tectonic geomorphology. At Caltech, he studied the mechanics of river deltas using a combination of theory, laboratory experiments, and remote sensing techniques. His research focused on the natural tendency of depositional rivers to catastrophically change course, and how the frequency and location of these events are influenced by land subsidence and flood variability. Predicting patterns of channel-switching is crucial for sustainable water resource management on densely populated river deltas. Austin's aimed to gain a better understanding of how rivers naturally distribute water and sediment across floodplains and wetlands to recognize the long-term consequences of water infrastructure such as dams and levees, and to revise management solutions like engineered diversions.
Austin is currently a postdoc at Columbia University.
RSI Research: Cultivating Water Resources on River Deltas
Faculty Adviser: Michael P. Lamb
PhD Thesis: Mechanics of River Avulsions on Lowland River Deltas