Hao Zhao
Alumni Resnick Graduate Research Fellow
Hao graduated from Caltech with a PhD in social science. He received his BA in economics from Peking University, China and MPhil in economics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His pre-Caltech research covered labor economics, economic history and institutional economics. He started working with Dr. Rosenthal in the spring of 2016 on seeking solutions to the drought problem in California. At that time, he also worked in Dr. Plott's lab for experimental economics and political ecience. His fellowship project analyzed the underground water management rules across various basins in California towards the development of strategies for sustainable and efficient water management. His investigation included an analysis of hydrological conditions of underground basins and the engineering constraints in groundwater monitoring and transfer.
Hao is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Economic Science Institute of Chapman University.
RSI Research: Analyzing California Groundwater Institutions
Faculty Adviser Jean-Laurent Rosenthal
PhD Thesis: Essays on Economics of Groundwater Resource Management