Jeffrey DuBose
2023 Resnick Pioneer Postdoctoral Fellow
Jeff's research interest broadly spans renewable energy materials and systems and the fundamental processes that occur when a material is subjected to external stimuli - whether that be light or an applied voltage - to induce catalytic activity. During his PhD at the University of Notre Dame he studied the excited state properties of halide perovskites for photocatalytic and photovoltaic applications. In the Manthiram Lab at Caltech he is studying electron transfer events at the electrode/microbe interface for decarbonized chemical synthesis. Jeff is the recipient of several awards including the Gerhard Closs Award for Excellence in Photochemistry Research, the Eli J. and Helen Shaheen Graduate School Award for Science, and the Experimental Physical Chemistry Award for Excellence in Graduate Research from the American Chemical Society.
Faculty Sponsor: Karthish Manthiram