Justin T. Jasper
Alumni Resnick Postdoctoral Fellow 2015
Justin researched sustainable water treatment technologies that conserve water resources while protecting the natural environment. He earned his PhD developing a novel open-water wetland cell that enhances the removal of nutrients and pharmaceuticals from wastewater effluent at UC Berkeley. This treatment technology has since moved from pilot-scale to the demonstration scale at the Prado Wetlands in Orange County. At Caltech, Justin worked on developing an off-the-grid electrochemical wastewater treatment system that generates bleach to disinfect wastewater, allowing water to be recycled for toilet flushing. System prototypes are currently deployed in regions where the infrastructure for conventional wastewater treatment is lacking, including locations in India, China, and South Africa. In 2015, Justin won the Dow-SISCA Runner-up Prize along with Cody Finke for the project, "Electrochemical+UV On-Site Wastewater Treatment".
Justin is currently an Anayltical Chemist at Mascoma.
Faculty Sponsor: Michael R. Hoffmann