Masoud Farivar
Alumni Resnick Graduate Research Fellow
Masoud graduated from Caltech with a PhD in electrical engineering. He was a member of Caltech's Rigorous Systems Research Group (RSRG). While studying, he also worked as a part-time researcher in the Advanced Technology division of Southern California Edison (SCE) on smart grid projects. Masoud received his BS from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, with a double major in electrical engineering and computer science. His Resnick project focus was on the exploitation of DC/AC inverters in the design of new control schemes for distribution circuits with high penetration of renewables. This research has the potential to enhance the efficiency of the grid, and also increase the amount of intermittent renewable energy that we use.
Masoud is currently Founder & CEO
RSI Research: New Distributed Controls to Expand the Grid Capacity for Renewable Energy
Faculty Advisers: Steven H. Low and Kanianthra M.(Mani) Chandy
PhD Thesis: Optimization and Control of Power Flow in Distribution Networks