Xiao Tong
Resnick Graduate Research Fellow
Xiao is a graduate student in materials science working in Prof. Marco Bernardi's group. She received a BS in physics at Southern University of Science and Technology, China (SUSTC), where her undergraduate research focused on exploring transport properties of thermoelectric materials with TEM (transmission electron microscopy). Xiao is broadly interested in computational methods that can deepen our understanding of condensed matter physics and she is currently developing first principle methods to explore ultrafast excited state dynamics in energetic materials. This research aims to reveal coupled atomic and electronic structure responses in solid-state materials and decipher the underlying mechanism of ultrafast energy flow. An additional goal is to provide a systematic approach toward interpreting ultrafast time-resolved experiments.
RSI Research: Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Coupled Carriers and Phonons from First-Principles Calculations
Faculty Adviser: Marco Bernardi